Константин Владимирович Патранин – Заместитель начальника Управления противофонтанной и газовой безопасности, k.patranin@gazbez.gazprom.ru;
ООО «Газпром газобезопасность»
Konstantin V. Patranin – Deputy Head of Blowout and Gas Safety Department;
LLC “Gazprom Gazobezopasnost”
Safety and environment issues are especially important when oil and gas are produced from field with high content of hydrogen sulfide. Therefore, development of new equipment and technologies for safe production, well workover, and emergency prevention is one of the core activities of LLC “Gazprom Gazobezopasnost”. The company’s new equipment system that is unique in the world allows to quickly replace failed wellhead equipment, reduce downtime and mitigate environmental damage caused by production and underground storage of hydrocarbons.
Key words: Christmas tree; production string; wellhead hanger; wellhead equipment.