The main type of work of the Association of Drilling Contractors is obtaining Russian Permits and Approvals for MODU in the territory of the Russian Federation.
№ | Works description |
1 |
1.1 Development of technical passports (formularies) for the main and auxiliary equipment. 1.2 Development of programs and methods of technical diagnostics of main and auxiliary equipment. 1.3 Formation of the general guidelines for the installation, operation, maintenance, repair and diagnostics for the main and auxiliary equipment. |
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6 | Development of the Regulation on the technical investigation of causes of incidents. |
7 | Technical audit, environmental audit, survey of ship part of MODU, inspection of the helipad and equipment at MODU in compliance with the requirements of Russian standards and rules of industrial safety. |
8 | Технический аудит основного и вспомогательного оборудования Сухопутных буровых установок на предмет текущего технического состояния, комплектности и готовности к проведению буровых работ. |
9 | Providing NDT and technical diagnosis for equipment of Drilling rig. |
10 | Industrial Safety Expert Review for the Systems, Including APV, of the Drilling Rig. Registration of the Industrial Safety Expert Review in Rostekhnadzor. |
11 | Industrial Safety Expert Review of structures of MODU. Registration of the Industrial Safety Expert Review in Rostekhnadzor. |
12 | Preparation of documents for the purpose of obtaining Certificate of Registration of HIF (offshore rig) in Rostekhnadzor. |
13 | Preparation of documents for the purpose of obtaining a License to Operate HIF of Rostekhnadzor for operation of explosive production facilities (offshore rig). |
14 | Organization and support during pre-licensing RTN Inspection of the Rig in the Rig’s location before mobilization starts (if requested by RTN). |
15 | Development of Helideck’s Aeronavigation Certificate for the Drilling rig; Instructions on meteorological support for helicopter operations on the Drilling rig’s helideck; paperwork for getting HF frequency and call sign for NDB; getting air-band VHF frequency and call sign. |
16 | Organization and support during licensing RTN Inspection of the Rig, obtaining of Certificate on Rig’s Readiness for Drilling. |
17 | Compulsory insurance for the owner of a dangerous object for injuries resulting from accidents at the hazardous facility (For License to Operate HIF). |
18 | SRO certificate / admission for Drilling Contractor. |
19 | Development and Approval of vulnerability assessment and Transportation Security Plan for the Object of transport infrastructure (Rig). |
20 | Development and Approval of Rig Towering (transit) Project. |
21 | Обучение и аттестация персонала Заказчика в области промышленной безопасности в Ростехнадзоре (5 человек) (А.1, Б.2.6, Б.2.18).Сопровождение при регистрации на портале РТН.Разработка Положения о порядке проведения аттестации работников, подлежащих аттестации по правилам, установленным РостехнадзоромОбучение по охране труда по программе для руководителей и специалистов организаций, а также пожарно-техническому минимуму (ПТМ). |
22 | Analyze MODU preparation and operational readiness for the continental shelf of the Russian Federation following its modification prior to mobilization start (validation) and verify that all non-compliances as per initial MODU Audit are closed, and also technical consultation for Customer Company. |
23 | Registration of the Rig in Rosprirodnadzor (RPN). |
24 | Creating a system of management of industrial safety; coordination and approval of the management system of industrial safety measures to reduce the risk of accidents at hazardous production facilities, work plans in the field of industrial safety Customer (developed for classes 1 and 2 of the danger of hazardous production facilities DR). |
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Проведение экспертизы промышленной безопасности на декларацию промышленной безопасности. |
26 | Translation of 2000 pages of technical documentation with graphic works. |
27 | Action PLAN for the prevention and elimination of emergencies of natural and technological character of the facility of MODU |
28 | Development of documents for air pressure vessels, their registration in Rostekhnadzor |
29 | Организация и проведение поверки и калибровки датчиков (CH4, H2S, манометров). |
30 | Fish protection structure (FPS) certificate, permit issued by the Federal Agency for Fisheries, FPS installed on the Rig water intake. |
31 | Certificate evidencing registration of the facility producing environmental impact (FPEI) with the Federal Service for Supervision of Natural Resource Usage. |
32 | Получение разрешения Росморречфлотa на осуществление деятельности в Российском секторе Балтийского моря судами (СПБУ) находящимся под иностранным флагом. |
33 | Подготовка и предоставление в Росприроднадзор расчетов платы за выбросы загрязняющих веществ в атмосферный воздух и размещение отходов (льяльные воды, пищевые отходы, ТКО, прочие производственные отходы Подрядчика), внесение платы за негативное воздействие на окружающую среду (НВОС). |
34 | Утвержденние типа средств измерений. |