Уважаемые читатели! Редакционная коллегия Научно-технического журнала «Вестник Ассоциации буровых подрядчиков» информирует Вас о том, что на информационном портале Научной электронной библиотеки по ссылке НТЖ «Вестник Ассоциации буровых подрячиков» в открытом доступе размещены все выпуски журнала вплоть до номеров текущего года.

About the Journal

The quarterly scientific and technical journal, “Bulletin of the Association of Drilling Contractors”, was founded on December 10, 1999.

ISSN 2073-9877

Founders of the Journal:

Association of drilling contractors

The Journal Council:

Oganov A.S., Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor (Editor-in-Chief)
Samsonenko N.V., Ph.D. (Assistant editor)
Bogomolov R.M., Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor
Epiphany V.I., Doctor of Technical Sciences, corresponding member of RAS
Grigoryev L.I., Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor
Gusman A.M., Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor
Dziublo A.D., doctor of medical sciences, professor
Ermolaev A.I., Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor
Muradov A.V., Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor
Ovchinnikov V.P., Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor
Potapov A.G., Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor
Simonyants S.L., Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor
Asadchev A.S., Candidate of Technical Sciences, Associate Professor (Republic of Belarus)
Max Greenfeld (Kingdom of Sweden)
Tonhauser G., Dr., Professor (Austrian Republic)
Yang Jin, Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor (People's Republic of China)

Senior Editor:

Senior editor of scientific-technical journal «Reporter of the Association of Drilling Contractors», General Director of the Russian Association of Drilling Contractors – Oganov, Alexander S., Dr.Tech.Sci., professor. Head of the Chair of Oil and Gas Well Drilling of the Gubkin University of Oil and Gas. Full Member of the Russian Academy of Natural Sciences, the RF Academy of Technology. Member of dissertation councils of the Gubkin University of Oil and Gas and OJSC NPO Burovaya Tekhnika, member of the expert council of the State Commission for Academic Degrees and Titles. Chairman of the Production and Drilling Section of the Russian Technical Authority. Member of the Research Committee of OJSC Gazprom, section of offshore production technology. Recipient of the Distinguished Worker of the Gas Industry Award, Distinguished Worker of the Oil Industry Award and Distinguished Worker of RF Science and Education Award.

Editorial Office Address:

63/2, housing 1, office 29-33, Leninsky Prospekt, Moscow, 119296
Phone/Fax: (495) 380-72-30
e-mail: abprus@mail.ru

Postal address:

P.O.B. 424, Moscow, 119296;
e-mail.ru: adcr@adcr.ru
The Journal is registered by the Federal Supervision Service for Compliance with Law in Mass Communications and Cultural Heritage Protection. Certificate of mass medium registration PI №FS77-21056, dated May 12, 2005.

Subscription index:

In the Rospechat Catalogue 18188
Circulation 1000 copies.

The scientific and technical journal, “Bulletin of the Association of Drilling Contractors”, is listed by the Higher Attestation Commission of the RF Ministry of Education and Science as one of the leading refereed journals and publications that feature main scientific results of doctoral and candidate’s dissertations.

The procedure of peer review of articles

1. Scholarly articles submitted to the editor of Reporter of the Association of Drilling Contractors are subject to mandatory peer review.

2. Deputy editor-in-chief checks articles for compliance with the scope of the journal, design requirements and the scientific context of the manuscript.

3. Following the preliminary review, the editor-in-chief sends the article for peer review to a specialist, doctor or candidate of sciences who is an expert in the field discussed in the article.

4. The peer review period should not exceed 1 month and may, in some cases, be changed by the editor-in-chief to ensure prompt publication of an article.

5. The reviewer’s comments are along the lines of the following:

  • whether or not the article content corresponds to the theme defined in the title of the article;
  • whether or not the article meets modern standards, both in theory and practice, of the discipline;
  • whether or not the article is readable in terms of style, quality of illustrative tables, charts, figures and formulas;
  • whether or not the article is significant against the background of previous papers covering this theme;
  • whether or not the article describes research methodology and its conclusions and findings are well-grounded;
  • whether or not any flaws can be spotted and what kind of corrections and additions the author should make;
    whether or not publication is recommended if the reviewer’s suggestions for change have been met;
  • well-grounded reasons why publication is not recommended should be given.

6. The referee’s conclusions should be certified in accordance with procedures adopted by the referee’s organization.

7. Peer review is anonymous. Anonymity may only be relinquished in the event that the reviewer has found the research included in the article to be misleading or falsified. The author of the article under review may see the referee’s evaluations.

8. In the event that the referee recommends to correct and improve the article, the deputy editor-in-chief passes the referee’s comments back to the author for revision or a well-reasoned reply to the referee’s criticisms.

9. Re-submission of articles rejected by the referee is not allowed. Negative review will be emailed, faxed or sent by post to the author.

10. Following the revision of the article, the editor-in-chief sends the revised version for further review.

11. Positive review is not a sufficient reason to publish an article. The final decision on publication is made by the editorial board meeting.

12. Once the editor-in-chief makes the decision to publish an article, the author is informed about the time of publication. The referee’s evaluation is emailed, faxed or sent by post to the author.

13. Original copies of the referee’s evaluations are kept in the office of the journal, “Reporter of the Association of Drilling Contractors”, for a period of 5 years.

14. Revision of publication to the authors of submissions or copies of reviews of a reasoned refusal, and also undertakes to send copies of reviews in the Ministry of Education and Science for admission to the editor publication prompted.

Редакционная политика журнала

Цели журнала:

• Способствовать становлению лидирующих позиций России в области строительства нефтяных и газовых скважин.
• Создать широкодоступное информационное поле для специалистов в области бурения и освоения нефтегазовых скважин, разработки нефтегазовых месторождений и добычи нефти и газа.
• Привлечь перспективных молодых специалистов к научной работе над проектами в области техники и технологии бурения скважин.
• Создать коммуникационную платформу для расширения сотрудничества российских и зарубежных профессиональных сообществ.
• Ознакомление читателей с передовым мировым опытом внедрения научных разработок в указанных областях знаний.

Задачи журнала:

• предоставление ученым возможности публиковать результаты своих исследований;
• достижение международного уровня научных публикаций;
• привлечение внимание к наиболее актуальным перспективным и интересным направлениям научных исследований по тематике журнала;
• привлечение в журнал авторитетных отечественных и зарубежных авторов, являющихся специалистами высочайшего уровня;
• обеспечение обмена мнениями между исследователями из разных регионов России и государств;
• расширение редакционной коллегии и рецензентов с привлечением известных российских и иностранных специалистов;
• предоставление полнотекстового доступа к научным статьям, повышение доступности и открытости журнала в России и за рубежом;
• включение в международные базы данных;
• повышение импакт-фактора журнала;
• продвижение журнала на международном и российском рынке.

Издан 3 номер за 2022 год ежеквартального научно — технического и производственного журнала
«Вестник Ассоциации буровых подрядчиков»

ISSN 2073-9877

The scientific and technical journal, “Bulletin of the Association of Drilling Contractors”, is listed by the Higher Attestation Commission of the RF Ministry of Education and Science as one of the leading refereed journals and publications that feature main scientific results of doctoral and candidate’s dissertations.

№ 1, № 2

№ 1, № 2, № 3, № 4

№ 1, № 2, № 3, № 4


№ 1, № 2, № 3, № 4


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№ 1, № 2, № 3, № 4

№ 1, № 2, № 3, № 4

№ 1, № 2, № 3, № 4

№ 1, № 2, № 3, № 4

№ 1, № 2, № 3, № 4

№ 1, № 2, № 3, № 4

№ 1, № 2, № 3, № 4

№ 1, № 2, № 3, № 4

за 2007 год
№ 1, № 2, № 3, № 4

за 2006 год
№ 1, № 2 № 3, № 4

за 2005 год
№ 1, № 2 № 3, № 4

за 2004 год
№ 1, № 2, № 3, № 4

за 2003 год
№ 1, № 2, № 3, № 4

за 2002 год
№ 1, № 2, № 3, № 4

за 2001 год
№ 1, № 2, № 3, № 4

за 2000 год
Пилотный выпуск, № 1, № 2, № 3

Jack-up "Arkticheskaya"

Jack-up "GSP Uranus"

SSDR "Ocean Endeavor"





ООО «Шатскморнефтегаз», Saipem Drilling

DS "Deep Venture"