Our Representatives

Oganov Aleksandr Sergeevich
Azerbaijan State Oil and Industry University (AZINEFTEKHIM); specialty: "Drilling of oil and gas wells", mining engineer; 1978.
All-Union Scientific Research Institute of Drilling Technology (VNIIBT); Postgraduate Studies, Candidate of Technical Sciences; 1985.
Scientific Research Institute of Drilling Technology (VNIIBT); Doctor of Technical Sciences; 1998.
Academic degree, Academic rank
Academic degree: Doctor of Technical Sciences.
Ph.D. thesis "Hydraulic characteristics of bottom hole assemblies and measures to reduce the hydrodynamic pressure in the well", Moscow, VNIIBT (1985).
Doctorate thesis "Scientific and methodological foundations of drilling technology for directional and horizontal wells", OJSC «NPO «Burovaya Technika» (1998).
Academic rank: Professor (2002).
Over 40 years of experience in the oil and gas industry:
1978-1980, Senior Process Engineer, Tool pusher of the Peschaninsky Marine Drilling Office of the All-Union production enterprise "Kaspmorneftegazprom" of the USSR Ministry of Gas Industry;
1983-1987, Senior Researcher at OJSC «NPO «Burovaya Technika»;
1987-1999, Head of the laboratory for directional and horizontal drilling at OJSC «NPO «Burovaya Technika»;
1999 - present, Professor, Deputy Head of the Department "Development of offshore oil and gas fields" of the National University of Oil and Gas «Gubkin University»;
2001 - 2015, General Director of the Association of Drilling Contractors;
2010 - present, Professor, Head of the Department of Oil and Gas Well Drilling, National University of Oil and Gas «Gubkin University»;
2015 - present, President of the Association of Drilling Contractors.
Awards, Rewards, and additional information
- Award named after academician I.M. Gubkin Winner
- Active member of the Russian Academy of Natural Sciences, International Academy of Technological Sciences of the Russian Federation
- Member of the Dissertation Council of OJSC «NPO «Burovaya Technika» and Chairman of the Dissertation Council D 212.200.15 of the National University of Oil and Gas «Gubkin University»
- Editor-in-chief of the scientific and technical journal "Bulletin of the Association of Drilling Contractors"
- Awarded the titles Honorary Worker of the Gas Industry, Honorary Oil Worker, Honorary Worker of Education and Science, Honoured Prospector of the Russian Federation
- Awarded gratitude signed by the Head of Rostekhnadzor A.V. Alyoshin for active work in the section on safety of Oil and Gas facilities of the Scientific and Technical Council of Federal Service for Environmental, Technological and Nuclear Supervision (Rostekhnadzor), for his professionalism and contribution to the solution of industrial safety issues