"REPORTER of the Association of Drilling Contractors" N 1, 2009


G.S. Oganov – Ph.D. in Engineering, General Director
S.A. Shirin-Zade – Ph.D. in Engineering, Professor, Chief Research Associate
A.A. Paramonov – Head of Department
OJSC NPO “Burovaya Tekhnika”

The process of borehole deepening in conditions of changing geological characteristics of formations can be classified as chaotic.
The use of the synergetic theory of information for assessment of well logging data allows to analyze the dynamic mode of well drilling and provide recommendations on selection of BHA main elements. To assess the intensity of weight-on-bit change, it is recommended to use the limited growth model known as Verhulst’s equation. Regulation of the weight-on-bit according to the proposed method allows to achieve a stable dynamic mode of drilling of vertical and directional wells.

Key words: dynamic stability; synergy principles; chaotic regime; fractal dimention; 3D.


G.S. Oganov  – Ph.D. in Engineering, General Director
S.A. Shirin-Zade – Ph.D. in Engineering, Professor, Chief Research Associate
A.A. Paramonov – Head of Department
OAO NPO “Burovaya Tekhnika”

The process of borehole deepening in conditions of changing geological characteristics of formations can be classified as chaotic. 
The use of the synergetic theory of information for assessment of well logging data allows to analyze the dynamic mode of well drilling and provide recommendations on selection of BHA main elements. To assess the intensity of weight-on-bit change, it is recommended to use the limited growth model known as Verhulst’s equation. Regulation of the weight-on-bit according to the proposed method allows to achieve a stable dynamic mode of drilling of vertical and directional wells.

Key words: dynamic stability; synergy principles; chaotic regime; fractal dimention; 3D.


Издан 3 номер за 2024 год ежеквартального научно — технического и производственного журнала "Bulletin of the Association of Drilling Contractors"

ISSN 2073-9877

The scientific and technical journal, “Bulletin of the Association of Drilling Contractors”, is listed by the Higher Attestation Commission of the RF Ministry of Education and Science as one of the leading refereed journals and publications that feature main scientific results of doctoral and candidate’s dissertations.

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