"REPORTER of the Association of Drilling Contractors" N 1, 2009


M.G. Bobrov – Ph.D. in Engineering, Commercial Director
S.G. Trapeznikov – Head of Department
OOO “VNIIBT – Burovoy Instrument”

Drilling of directional, horizontal and multilateral wells is based on a wide use of screw downhole motors. Differences in well structures and various drilling challenges have led to creation of a great number of models and standard sizes of screw downhole motors – “straight”, deflecting motors with a fixed curvature angle, deflecting motors with regulated curvature angle.    The article provides recommendations on the downhole motor selection depending on geological and technical conditions of drilling and well path control tasks, recommendations are based on the following factors: length of sections of operating elements; screw downhole motor performance data; mud pump discharge capacity; cuttings removal from the bottomhole; drilling mud; etc.     Taking these factors into account while selecting a screw downhole motor allows to increase well drilling and workover performance

Key words: screw downhole motors; number of starts; rotation speed; angle of curvature; deviation intensity; rotor-stator.


M.G. Bobrov – Ph.D. in Engineering, Commercial Director
S.G. Trapeznikov – Head of Department
OOO “VNIIBT – Burovoy Instrument”

Drilling of directional, horizontal and multilateral wells is based on a wide use of screw downhole motors. Differences in well structures and various drilling challenges have led to creation of a great number of models and standard sizes of screw downhole motors – “straight”, deflecting motors with a fixed curvature angle, deflecting motors with regulated curvature angle.    The article provides recommendations on the downhole motor selection depending on geological and technical conditions of drilling and well path control tasks, recommendations are based on the following factors: length of sections of operating elements; screw downhole motor performance data; mud pump discharge capacity; cuttings removal from the bottomhole; drilling mud; etc.     Taking these factors into account while selecting a screw downhole motor allows to increase well drilling and workover performance

Key words: screw downhole motors; number of starts; rotation speed; angle of curvature; deviation intensity; rotor-stator.


Издан 3 номер за 2024 год ежеквартального научно — технического и производственного журнала "Bulletin of the Association of Drilling Contractors"

ISSN 2073-9877

The scientific and technical journal, “Bulletin of the Association of Drilling Contractors”, is listed by the Higher Attestation Commission of the RF Ministry of Education and Science as one of the leading refereed journals and publications that feature main scientific results of doctoral and candidate’s dissertations.

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