Б.А. Доценко Boris A. Dotsenko – post graduate student, b_dotsenko@mail.com;
Gubkin State University of Oil and Gas;
Alexander S. Oganov – Ph.D., professor abprus@mail.ru;
Gubkin State University of Oil and Gas;
General director, Association of Drilling Contractors;
Alexander D. Polikarpov – Ph.D., head of research, CJSC “Oktopus” apolikarpov@pkbgeo.ru;
ЗАО «Октопус».
In difficult geological conditions characterized by narrow compatible drilling intervals where well construction requires sophisticated technological solutions, conventional drilling technologies do not always ensure safe and efficient well drilling. One of the most advanced technologies is balanced pressure drilling that uses the principle of a balance between the bottomhole pressure and the formation pressure. The flexibility of the bottomhole pressure regulation is achieved through wellhead backpressure created with the help of a wellhead rotating diverter and additional surface equipment.
Key words: underbalance; balanced pressure drilling; shutoff valve; dc-exponent; rotating diverter.
Boris A. Dotsenko – post graduate student; Gubkin State University of Oil and Gas;
Alexander S. Oganov – Ph.D., professor; Gubkin State University of Oil and Gas;
General director, Association of Drilling Contractors;
Alexander D. Polikarpov – Ph.D., head of research, CJSC “Oktopus”
In difficult geological conditions characterized by narrow compatible drilling intervals where well construction requires sophisticated technological solutions, conventional drilling technologies do not always ensure safe and efficient well drilling. One of the most advanced technologies is balanced pressure drilling that uses the principle of a balance between the bottomhole pressure and the formation pressure. The flexibility of the bottomhole pressure regulation is achieved through wellhead backpressure created with the help of a wellhead rotating diverter and additional surface equipment.
Key words: underbalance; balanced pressure drilling; shutoff valve; dc-exponent; rotating diverter.