Mikhail I. Mazurov, Igor N. Nekrasov, Rodion M. Bogomolov
Innovative solutions for drill bit improvement
Sergey L. Simonyants, Ivan V. Mnatsakanov, Murad S. Salikhov
Classification and choice of drill bits
Irina N. Malinina
Surface hardening technology by Technogenia
Maxim N. Yangazitov, Boris A. Dotsenko, Alexander S. Oganov
Balanced pressure drilling with continuous circulation
Nikolay I. Nester, Ruslan R. Safarkhanov, Yevgeny M. Nesterov
Introduction of drilling-with-casing technology by Weatherford in the Bovanenkovskoye oil and gas condensate field
Alexey V. Emelyanov
Dry makeup technology for casing pipes
Delizhan A. Mirzoev, Anatoly E. Kornilov, Yury Ya. Chernov, Anton I. Zakharov
Meeting the design challenges of offshore oil and gas fields development
Alexander V. Samsonenko
Effects from new powder materials for cementing of casing strings in the Perm region fields
Alexander N. Papusha, Alexander A. Nankin
Control of underwater system for multiphase fluid gathering and transportation in Russia’s offshore Arctic fields
Fatima A. Adzynova, Kaplan S. Basniev, Sadin N. Boziev, Vladimir V. Bondarenko
Optimization of gas hydrate production through thermal cycling (case study of the Messoyakhskoye filed)