Maksimenko A.F. – professor at the department of theoretical mechanics, doctor of engineering sciences, maf@gubkin.ru maf@gubkin.ru
Dyachenko I.F. – professor at the department of oil products and gas supplies, candidate of engineering sciences, dyachenko.i@gubkin.ru dyachenko.i@gubkin.ru
Lopovok S.S. – master's student, slopovok@yandex.ru slopovok@yandex.ru
УДК 622.692.284
Key words: losses, oil product, working losses, criteria equations, mass transfer, oil tank, fixed roof tank.
Losses of oil products are divided into few groups. The first group includes natural, operating losses, losses due to accidents. Another classification gives us losses of quality, losses of quantity, losses of quality and quantity. The biggest part of all losses are natural losses of quality and quantity or evaporation losses (about 75%). 70% of evaporation losses connect with oil products tanks. By the way, working and standing losses amount to 60% of losses in oil products tanks.
According to reference document oil products are stored both tanks with losses reducing devices and tanks without them. Nevertheless, evaporation process is the same in these tanks. That is why we estimate concentration growth while storage of oil products, filling or emptying in fixed roof tanks.
Experimental findings [2] were analyzed while making this article. New criteria equations while storage of oil products, filling or emptying were established based on the experimental findings. In contrast with work [2] we established criteria equations for oil products separately form crude oil. It helps to calculate evaporation losses of oil products better. Thus, improving of methodology for estimating working evaporative losses of oil products was made with the help of new criteria equations.
Maksimenko A.F. – professor at the department of theoretical mechanics, doctor of engineering sciences, maf@gubkin.ru
Dyachenko I.F. – professor at the department of oil products and gas supplies, candidate of engineering sciences, dyachenko.i@gubkin.ru
Lopovok S.S. – master’s student, slopovok@yandex.ru
Key words: losses, oil product, working losses, criteria equations, mass transfer, oil tank, fixed roof tank.
Losses of oil products are divided into few groups. The first group includes natural, operating losses, losses due to accidents. Another classification gives us losses of quality, losses of quantity, losses of quality and quantity. The biggest part of all losses are natural losses of quality and quantity or evaporation losses (about 75%). 70% of evaporation losses connect with oil products tanks. By the way, working and standing losses amount to 60% of losses in oil products tanks.
According to reference document oil products are stored both tanks with losses reducing devices and tanks without them. Nevertheless, evaporation process is the same in these tanks. That is why we estimate concentration growth while storage of oil products, filling or emptying in fixed roof tanks.
Experimental findings [2] were analyzed while making this article. New criteria equations while storage of oil products, filling or emptying were established based on the experimental findings. In contrast with work [2] we established criteria equations for oil products separately form crude oil. It helps to calculate evaporation losses of oil products better. Thus, improving of methodology for estimating working evaporative losses of oil products was made with the help of new criteria equations.