Kulikov A.N. – Ph.D., Head of the Laboratory of REC "Upstream chemistry" at the Gubkin Russian State University of Oil and Gas (National Research University),
УДК 622.276.72
Key words: selectivity, mechanical strength, radius of the gel rim, the maximum possible bottom hole injection pressure in the treated injection well, reservoir pressure, the specific volume of the working rim, injection capacity of well.
The paper presents the ways of improving of the complex technology of injection wells conformance control. In particular, the information about the composition of polimer-polimer is presented, which is recommended as the first working rim for plugging cracks in the formation pay zone, and the positive results of its use. The second part of the article is a brief description of the methods for calculating the optimum amount of the gelling composition rim during the straightening the injectivity profile of the injection wells. Their main shortcomings are presented. The two new methods of calculation of the optimum working rim volume during the straightening the injectivity profile of the injection wells are the following. The first method is an algorithm for calculating the required volume of working rim minimum during the straightening the injectivity profile. It is based on mechanical principles, the results of the filtration research of strength properties of the used gels and the maximum possible values of the injection pressure after the start of the injection well after treatment. The second method is based on a statistical analysis of the results of previous work on this deposit and determine the optimum values of the specific volume of the working rim.
Kulikov A.N. – Ph.D., Head of the Laboratory of REC «Upstream chemistry» at the Gubkin Russian State University of Oil and Gas (National Research University),
Key words: selectivity, mechanical strength, radius of the gel rim, the maximum possible bottom hole injection pressure in the treated injection well, reservoir pressure, the specific volume of the working rim, injection capacity of well.
The paper presents the ways of improving of the complex technology of injection wells conformance control. In particular, the information about the composition of polimer-polimer is presented, which is recommended as the first working rim for plugging cracks in the formation pay zone, and the positive results of its use. The second part of the article is a brief description of the methods for calculating the optimum amount of the gelling composition rim during the straightening the injectivity profile of the injection wells. Their main shortcomings are presented. The two new methods of calculation of the optimum working rim volume during the straightening the injectivity profile of the injection wells are the following. The first method is an algorithm for calculating the required volume of working rim minimum during the straightening the injectivity profile. It is based on mechanical principles, the results of the filtration research of strength properties of the used gels and the maximum possible values of the injection pressure after the start of the injection well after treatment. The second method is based on a statistical analysis of the results of previous work on this deposit and determine the optimum values of the specific volume of the working rim.