УДК 622.24
Mukhametgaliev I.D. – Assistant at the Department of Oil and Gas Well Drilling, Ufa State Petroleum Technological University, ilmir8787@mail.ru
Ismakov R.A. – Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor at the Department of Oil and Gas Well Drilling, Ufa State Petroleum Technological University, nauka_ugntu@mail.ru nauka_ugntu@mail.ru
Timirov R.M. – Master's student of the Department of Oil and Gas Wells Drilling, Ufa State Petroleum Technological University, ratmir17@yandex.ru
Nurgaliev A.R. – Master's student of the Department of Oil and Gas Wells Drilling, Ufa State Petroleum Technological University, albert.nurgaliev.1997@mail.ru
Key words: predictive model, directional drilling, drilling simulation, the reaction on the bit, the BHA parameters.
The article describes the results of developing a human-machine interface (HMI) simulator program for directional drilling and implementing simulation models for calculating the bit response and its deflecting force. Methods of experimental analysis for determining the shapes and locations of virtual HMI controls are described. The article describes a detailed sequence for evaluating the effectiveness of joint training based on the simulator program. The data of the index for assessing the quality of joint training allowed us to establish the optimal number of trainings when a driller, directional drilling engineer and a supervisor jointly perform training tasks.