Zolotukhin A.B..
Toward XXI global oil congressсу
Malkin I.B.
New electronic guide, «Drilling and completion equipment and technology»
Guralnik B.S., Kubrin S.S., Guralnik S.B.
Identification of hazards and risk assessment for operation of offshore drilling platforms
Chulkova V.V.
Experience of using PDC bits in interstratified solid beds in Urals-Volga region
Andoskin V.N., Astafiev S.P., Vyguzov A.M., Kobelev K.A.
Positive displacement motors manufactured by RADIUS-SERVICE
Balaba V.I.
Verification of compliance of drilling equipment, chemicals and materials
Kletter V.Y., Valieva O.I., Mulyukov R.A., Borisov I.M., Khabirova E.F., Kletter E.A.
Prospects for the use of invert-emulsion fluids for well completion in the republic of Bashkortostan
Beley I.I., Kuyabin A.G., Marinin V.I., Khubatulin R.M., Lazarev V.B., Ivanishin M.A., Kazantsev V.V., Antonenko D.V.
Application of cement slurries containing gas blocking agents for the cementing of casings in environments with abnormally high formation pressure and high temperatures
Belsky D.G., Mnatsakanov V.A., Mazykin S.V., Krivoshey A.V., Antonenko D.V., Berzhets M.S.
Improvement of the composition of cement slurries for casing string cementing in permafrost formations
Levinbuk M.I., Livinbuk L.M.
Some trends of development of global oil production and processing
Gabrunov G.B., Varlamov S.E.
Well screens manufactured by LLC PK OPO
Podgornov V.M., Suleymenov N.S., Shirdavletov N.T.
Filtration barriers surrounding horizontal holes in granular reservoirs of the Aryskum field